Monday, March 14, 2011

My Goal...My weightloss Goal

Beck said I should post about my weight-loss goals...Luke said, "I wish mum's wouldn't post about weight loss" when he saw this site: Fat Mum Slim...I have already "lost" 23 kilos just by having babies so this part is just for me, for my own self esteem and to feel "me" again or a little bit more "me". But as all weight loss is, it is hard...especially as I can't enjoy my meals, I seem to be scoffing down each bite before I am needed (Babies ALWAYS seem to want to eat when you are...even if they have just been fed...) and after a difficult time of parenting...usually late evening...I stress eat. I have tried to fill my home with a bit healthier alternatives this week that still seem a tinsy bit naughty, like frozen yogurt and yummy berries for smoothies so I don't cave-in each time to the high fat treats that I so dearly love (except pretty much straight after I eat them I feel bad, fat and guilty...before hand though my mind says...just have a bit, its not bad for you if you only have a bit? Soooo having a serpent and Eve conversation about forbidden fruits!) I bought this t-shirt to motivate me a couple of weeks ago and even though I was disappointed when I put it on... (The words stretch juuuusssst a bit in places they shouldn't!) I thought, I'M GONNA WEAR IT ANYWAY! Who cares if it shows the curves just a bit more or makes the words look funny (even though I'd probably stare at someone else for wearing it...) it is my personal motivation...and the colours are bold and out there...and I AM gonna get to my goal...I am determined...even if I trip up. Because I feel happier & healthier when I eat well and get out and about...I feel better than if I cave in and good luck to me! Hopefully in a few weeks time the words stretch that little bit less...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sweet puffs of baby breath...

It's Ash Wednesday and I'm at home...I could hear Luke's voice over at Church and I would've cracked my bedroom window open a bit to hear his sermon (yes, my bedroom IS that close to the Church!) except two of my girls were because she was over-tired and one because I think she was head-banging her cot...but even though things rarely go to plan when you have's super nice just to sit still and listen to their sweet breath when they finally do calm down and sleep...and I wished for a smidgen of alone time tonight...and I did kinda get it...even if one of my cherubs is still sleeping on my bed and I doubt she will like to be shifted...anyway...that is the definition of bliss for me...sweet baby breaths.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Mini Thesis: Diets are not conducive to parenthood & the myth of the Supermum...

(legitimate ads from the 1930's-50's:

Firstly I would just like to say...I am eating pretty healthily right now. I crave the right foods, a bright colored salad, chilled water, fruits and veggies...but after prolonged screaming...not mine I assure you (mostly...) but anyone of the three girls, usually two at once, (most of the time at least one child gives me a break!) I hit the chocolate in any favorite...dark roasted almond... But really any ol' chocolate eaten hastily would do the job before I "go in" for another dose of mild can one baby fight sleep for that long? Times two?!

Also...for the record, please don't ask me how I am going, because it seems I jinx myself regardless of what I say. Today I said, things are going really well! I was bright and chipper to each person that stopped me in the street, I said I had bad days but mostly I had good ones and I had very good babies... Eeeerrrrrr ... Wrong! When you say things are going well...know that for the next 24 hours you will pay for that statement...because your children heard that comment and now have to keep you in line, just in case you get too used to being calm and controlled. And if I happen to life is going to the dogs...I'm so tired and life is an absolute blur...the kids will act like angels...what's wrong with that scenario you may ask? It messes with your mind!!!!! Am I going insane?! This isn't as hard as you complained about! What are you sniveling at?! Anyone can see it's a walk in the park (which I fail to remember is quite difficult these days anyway when I push a monster-car pram) and the inner monologue starts again...

Which brings me to my last and final point, the notion of the *super-mum*...a crazy and fictitious enigma in the truest sense. Contrary to popular belief, I doubt the 50's wife had it all in guess is that she took her little bitty dose of speed (or PEP cereal...probably containing illegal levels of pseudoephedrine) to get through her day of ironing pleats, laying meatloaf on the table with her best china and silverware, and combing the cat's hair to perfection...and all the while her children Fanny and Stan are playing kindly and gently with their blocks in the corner...that my friends, is the black & white tv version...I say we have come along way....and I am super glad I don't have to wake up at four after a long night with unsettled children just so I can maintain a perfect household. Because seriously...that would be impossible, especially after the night I had... And then there is the modern *super-mum*...who is supposed to do all that PLUS go to work as well...sounds like hell on earth to me.

But even though that version of *super-mum* just doesn't exist, or if it did, what was the cost? I came to the conclusion about a year ago, after hearing a beautiful friend of mine talk about the difficulty she was facing with her daughter's bad sleeping patterns, similar to what I had been experiencing with Isabelle. A *super-mum* or (super-dad, since Luke soothes Isabelle these days!) is the mum who is up many times one night trying to soothe and calm a sad little child...despite needing sleep so badly her eyelids are prematurely saggy. A *super-mum* is the mum who has a toddler chucking a sparkling tantrum in the shops because she's not getting what she wants. A *super-mum* is the mum who is living a normal life, with piles of washing waiting to be folded, books out of line on the shelf and crumbs under the couch seats... (I hate those!) a *super-mum* is just a normal person dealing with pretty constant and demanding situations each day...cos there's no pride having perfect kids who are perfect EVERYDAY just by themselves...there's no work in that! (although, I sure wish they were!) in fact you make other mums feel bad if you have achieved this wonderful enlightened mum state! Be real mums, and be 'super' because of both the 'good' and 'bad' times.

Maybe I'm just writing this to make myself feel better and less guilty for all the areas that I fail in. But I know that women in general feel a lot of guilt. Guilt for not having the perfectly clean home; job; body; family; lifestyle; skills; for not having the academic record we would like or for not ringing our family more often. We wish for more rather than enjoying the here and now...the moment that is presented before us. I know I do. Every night when Luke and I have had a full on day, his work and then coming home to cyclone Spilsbury and me living with that cyclone for all hours of the day except for maybe half an hour of pure peace while the girls overlap with their sleeps (I'm working in refining that pattern) we remind each other "it's not forever..." just fleeting moment in the scheme of things really.

After all that, I'd like to say I'll go have some chocolate now...but its too late...I scoffed a snickers about an hour ago...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Inspired by the best of them...

There are three blogs (recommended by friends!) that have inspired me over the last month while I ignored the dust settling on the top of sills, while I spent some brief but wonderful undivided attention with my first born, while I go through a cleaning frenzy to de-clutter the odd draw because it makes me feel more in control despite my life being quite the opposite at times...these three blogs have helped me be more relaxed and enjoy life rather than worry about mess, then in the same breath they have kicked me up the butt to be more organised and then they have inspired me to treat my Isabelle like a princess and little lady, just because. They may contradict each other, the idea of cleaning like a mad-man one minute and then pretending the stack of dishes and pile of nappies doesn't exist, but then my life right now is dotted with unpredictable and crazy moments and then a calm, quiet moment when all my babies are asleep and I feel rejuvenated once more, the moment where I can regain some of my life when things didn't get pulled out of draws constantly.

Firstly, I love this post on Rockstar Diaries, where a new mum tells us of her baby's bed time, 2am, and that its ok to let baby have lots of "naked time", theres nothing that a good wash can't clean up! Sometimes I love hearing the relaxed version of parenting, despite the fact that I myself struggle with the idea of letting anyone of my kids stay up until 2am...but this mum says let your child fit into your life, not the other way around...So this past week, I have given all my girls lots of nappy off time. And yes, more washing did evolve but Sophie's nappy rash did improve and the other two just love a naked bum!

Rockstar Diaries

My Ava Joy

My Sophie Christina

Then one of my favourite bloggers The Yvestown Blog did a post on organisation...which I just loved! I just had to get stuck into my kitchen drawers after I saw her lovely and perfectly alined drawers! And I HAD to photograph it because I didn't know how long it would stay that tidy...2 weeks on and the drawers still look nice and crisp!

Proof that I can be tidy sometimes!

And finally...pampering my darling daughter with a mini pedicure and massage. Isabelle loves anything girly. I had been delaying painting her toe-nails because I think I can remember something that my aunty said about painted nails being what 'unsavoury' women have...but after I saw Kelle Hampton from Enjoying the Small Things, paint her daughter's nails on a rainy afternoon...I that just looks cute! And Belle just loves them! And don't worry..we got to her finger nails the next day with the baby clippers...they needed some tidying up too! Read Kelle's blog for today about a messy house...I just love it because I am forever making a criticism about myself after someone pays me a compliment, like she does...a very funny fact all her posts are lovely! Thanks Heth for putting me on to her blog!

Kelle Hampton's gorgeous photography!

Isabelle's little polished toes...might change the colour for this week to match mine?

Check out these sites when you get a free moment...they are inspirational, beautiful and do wonders for the soul to feast your eyes on pretty ideas and things. I know it does for me. If you leave a comment, let me know what your all time favourite blog is so I can check it out! I love finding new blogs to inspire creativity!